Thursday, June 23, 2011

Notes on 'thank you happy birthday' by Cage the Elephant

<p>Let me give you a foundation for starters, CTE released this early this year in January right next to Cake's <i>showroom of compassion</i> (which I'm discussing later) they have a very grungy sound for an "indie" band and can be compared to the smashing pumpkins... with that out of the way let get this "dunn" (rip). </p>
<p>Ok starting off is <i>always something</i> and it starts off pretty weird with an electronic drum I believe?.. then a wail that sounds like an Elephant dying. Weird start no? Then it starts to fade into a yell and the bass and guitar starts and he finally starts singing. He starts ranting about "something" being and waiting outside for you its pretty peculiar but not creepy its got a good melody and overall I like it.

Next is Aberdeen with is one of my favorite songs on this LP. It starts out with a very loud guitar on heavy drive with catchy sounds screaming out then the drums start then the bass line and he starts singing about how this girl makes him feel. Its a very good song no spoilers because its so good.

Indy kidz is very fast and starts out quickly with everything coming in all at once I think Matthew Schultz is criticizing and making fun of hipsters (hoorah). Its a good song but I don't like the lyrics there pretty cruel.

Shake me down is a song that makes you feel the pain and suffering of a dissatisfied disappointed lonely cynic. Its full of heart and its very full of emotion it makes you wanna sing to it and with the guitars and bass and drums perfectly arranged it emphasizes the emotion in the song I absolutely love this song.

2024 its good start with heavy banging and sharp guitars makes this short song alot more than a "filler" it actually is catchy and talks about the past and the future and a girl who is "bored" eh well the lyrics sometimes aren't very brilliant but its catchy and well as a filler it sounds pretty wicked.

Sell yourself is pretty cool I like the thickness that is sounded throughout the whole album I especially love the ending when he uses a voice alterer to make his voice sound robotic and yells "sell your self sell you self sell your self!".

Rubber ball starts out slow and again is full of emotion and he sings as if he was a bored sad distraught soul.

Right before my eyes sounds ok I really love the chorus though and it kinda makes me want to rename the song "the world lost control" but other than the chorus it sounds really slow like if you close your eyes you'd go to sleep.

Around my head is one of those songs you listen to when your feeling awkward especially with the "oo oo oo oo ah ah ah ah" but its like a knife that starts out sharp and ends out scathed and dull but stabs you anyway

Sabertooth tiger sounds like the soundtrack to either a hunt or a pursuit of prey which is someone who is trying to run away this song is screaming Arctic monkeys because of the guitars that come out of nowhere with high notes as it slows down but then the screaming start to remind you of the sound only Cage the Elephant can produce awesome track I only wish it was longer.

Japanese Buffalo is very cool the beginning is corny but then bam everything starts and then he yells "alright ok alright ok alright ok" and then the transition and another Arctic monkeys moment until he starts to yell again but it ends out with everything pausing almost.

Flow is very chill it make you feel like your on a road trip and your passing through a very grassy area with trees popping here and there but the only thing in sight is grass sky and the sun a great end to a very eccentric album full of thickness and loud overdrive. The funny thing is halfway through the song they start an acoustic version of rubber ball which is fitting but kinda repetitive but hey I'm not complaining awesome record.

Verdict: I Love It I recommend it and of course I want you all to support Cage the Elephant and buy the record. I give it a thumbs up and I am totally gonna listen to this a year from now.
Indie rock, sophomore album, Cage the Elephant, thank you happy birthday. Goodbye.

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