Track review (track list & font courtsy ofAir)
1. Astronomic Club: To begin this track has loud timpani and then a very loud voice singing out ohhh and ahhh with the psychedelic guitar and screaching trumpet. The voice in the background mumbles something incomprehensible and the song gets smoother from there. Guitars slow down and then out of nowhere a machine gun pitter patter of drums bang and the guitars don't seem to notice. A bubble pops and soon after the song just falls apart just like the bubble and its gone without a trace of its existence.
2. Seven Stars: The track starts off with dark piano, scary timpani, ominously fast bass and machine gun sounding drums. This odd and ominous feeling resides as soon as the vocals start. At this time I'd like to mention the fact that this track is one of the few singles on this album and its worthy of the title. During the gap of the halfway mark super paced guitar fret plays while a man on the mike says calmly "20 seconds and counting...15 seconds...12...11...10...8-mission sequence start...6...5...4...3...2...1...0" and soon after that the song falls apart.
3. Retour Sur Terre: It's a song that is only 32 seconds long its very calm, soothing, and ambitious. It does what a 4:00 min song would do and only does it in a few seconds A FEW SECONDS!!
4. Parade: This song is my favorite track by far on this album the drums and wedding bells for the intro is just profoundly amazing. Once the guitar gets in on the beat your already in space looking out viewing the stars and earth in a different view that almost nobody actually ever gets to view. The pace picks up and the synth picks up the pace. There are four major transitions in this song and the switching back and forth really gets you and yeah its a single too and a very worthy single indeed!
5. Moon Fever: Once the fast part of the launch is over, the calm atmosphere sinks in, and this song captures that moment. It reminds me of a song I've heard before and I can't remember which song it is but it sounds like something similar to fatboy slim the song right here right now. It's a really great song when you add all the elements together.
6. Sonic Armada: This song was on the YouTube videos with the search hit 'le voyage dans la lune air' and man with that clip it really emphasizes the encounter with the little moon men and the various sound effects Plus the really psychedelic guitar (and in the film the popping colours) really shows some strange map of cosmic proportions. It's a really great soundscape with the classic yet modern spin on this jazzy tune.
7. Who Am I Now?: This track is very weird and it has a slightly creepy stain to it its like a shiny omega watch but with scratching on the glass. The vocals just magnify the creepy feel, it runs electricity through your spine and your hair stands on end.
8. Décollage: The thing that gets me in this song is the timpani its not a very long track and it resembles the intro with the exception of the drums being shorter taps. The piano is exceptional and very quick it is a very nice piano solo and furthermore a great transition to the next song.
9. Cosmic Trip: I hardly know how to define the clicks and pings in this track. It sounds like a landscape of water droplets falling into tiny pipes and tubes creating a very lively landscape of sound as the water drips. The creepy vocals past the halfway mark suggests the arrival of the ship in its return to earth. The vocals speak of What the astronauts saw in the moon "gigantic mushrooms" and all the juicy details.
10. Homme Lune: Short and sweet track very techy meaning the man on the moon or moon man depending on how you say it.
11. Lava: I'm just gonna take a wild guess that they were referencing the orange ooze that was running down the eye of the man on the moon the soundscape in this track has a sort of elliptical path to it and it wants to run smoothly and in a perfect circle but the gravity of the preformance pulls it out of wack.
The only thing I want to say is you gotta watch the movie then listen to this you'll appreciate this album way more if you do.
RATING:♪♪♪♪/♪♪♪♪ FOuR OUT Of FoUr Eighth Notes
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