Wilco is an indie band. Are they classic indie? I'm not too sure that they are but with the album Yankee Foxtrot Hotel they blew the indie kids out of the water they made it so the indie kids (now around 22-28 years of age) would look at the album and remember it forever. But does The Whole Love accomplish this too? Well if your saying they have gotten a bit happier id say yes they have the feel is bigger and tame, but will they be able to beat Sky Blue Sky also? There is no way that this album is better than Yankee Foxtrot Hotel or Sky Blue Sky not by album sells anyway

1. Art of Almost: The start I jumbled up and it sounds like static, the static fades off and an eerie bleep begins. The drums get louder and then the bleeping fades off under the sound of violins or synth, but it returns after that wave of noise leaves. Through out the song it goes through a clever series of "hard" and "soft" sounds especially involving the guitar. There are a lot of scatterbrained noises and they are similar to the noises from the songs of hail to the thief. It's a really great intro I especially love the ending.
2. I Might: Nice acoustic intro, really catchy bass (of which I can play) and great vocals from tweedy. The organ is amazing, good drum background and of course the brilliant electric guitar screeching out. Of course this is the first single it's full of catchy at every stroke of the guitar, at every note played by the organ, every time he speaks, every time the bass goes down a note. It's a great song but not the best of the album.
3. Sunloathe: The beginning is slow, very thin, and melancholy. It's kind of early for a sadder song and even if it's faintly sad it still is not compatible with I might, and it seems the mood lightens up a bit closing forward the end but it still has a key of sadness, though the guitar in the end is great.
4. Dawned On Me: This is the best song of the album. It's happy, it's catchy, it's got that groove that's to contagious to ignore. If your not at least dancing your doing something wrong. May I say that whistling is brilliant? He starts singing right after and I've seen the tiny desk concert and the live on letterman concert and they just blow your mind with this song and though the wacky guitar solo varies they still hold that super cool sound.
5. Black Moon: Another form of acoustic guitar starting up, followed by more acoustic. It's one of the sadder songs of the album but the flow keeps going. The addition of strings keeps everything moving very nicely and elegantly. Like said before sad but flowing and still good for a sadder song.
6. Born Alone: Around this time into the review I usually can't say much but this song is great. I do notice a pattern of sad-happy-sad-happy songs and this keeps this trend going. Oh and the blarring guitars wooo they are wicked.
7. Open Mind: Hahaha like I said the trend continues. This is a slower song not nessisarilly sad but it's one of the great songs of the album. His voice just connects you know, because so much emotion is emitted from his voice and the combination of acoustic and electric keeping up to the tapping of the drums. The solo is modest but good at the end and ends the song nicely.
8. Capitol City: This is another great song the walking bass holds it together and the song is very nice it's hard to describe the feeling you get listening to this song. It's very jolly, yet slow, and the vocals aren't that happy but the emotion and love-sickness put into the song makes this song give you that chill down you spine and the pause with the station or market background sound keeps that spine chilling feel until the songs end.
9. Standing O: It starts of like a punk rock band would, abrupt and loud. Its a faster song and it has the same organ from I might but it is sped up but hey it works it has an original feel to it so if you feel like dancing then your not alone.
10. Rising Red Lung: It starts off acoustically and he sings with only guitar in the background. The song starts building up but not much and its still very slow. One of my least favorite songs in the album but its still good regardless.
11. Whole Love: Another notable track, it reminds me of The Kooks new album in the beginning and reminds me of one of Cafe Tacvba's songs too. The difference is the country rock feel in this song. im not too fond of country but the country elements here are great for the song. This is one of the catchiest songs on the album and its really filled with layers of sound.
12. One Sunday Morning (Song For Jane Smiley's Boyfriend): Whoa 12:00... thats a long song. Its cool slowly builds up over time and its a great closing song regardless of the amount of time the song takes. It kind of has the same walking feel and its calm, a song you listen to in the brisk fall while the wind is blowing on your back and leaves are falling all around you. Making that carpet of orange and yellow and red all over where the grass used to be.
Well this is a good album, its a great album all the through though the momentum slows down after Capitol City but the album goes on without problems. It continues to over achieve and Wilco proves to still have that nice indie feel that you can really fall in love with everytime you listen to the album. Sure its no Yankee Foxtrot Hotel but progress is progress and if the next album passes Yankee Foxtrot Hotel in album sells let it be... this is still a really great release from this fall.
oh highlights of the album here

1. Art of Almost: The start I jumbled up and it sounds like static, the static fades off and an eerie bleep begins. The drums get louder and then the bleeping fades off under the sound of violins or synth, but it returns after that wave of noise leaves. Through out the song it goes through a clever series of "hard" and "soft" sounds especially involving the guitar. There are a lot of scatterbrained noises and they are similar to the noises from the songs of hail to the thief. It's a really great intro I especially love the ending.
2. I Might: Nice acoustic intro, really catchy bass (of which I can play) and great vocals from tweedy. The organ is amazing, good drum background and of course the brilliant electric guitar screeching out. Of course this is the first single it's full of catchy at every stroke of the guitar, at every note played by the organ, every time he speaks, every time the bass goes down a note. It's a great song but not the best of the album.
3. Sunloathe: The beginning is slow, very thin, and melancholy. It's kind of early for a sadder song and even if it's faintly sad it still is not compatible with I might, and it seems the mood lightens up a bit closing forward the end but it still has a key of sadness, though the guitar in the end is great.
4. Dawned On Me: This is the best song of the album. It's happy, it's catchy, it's got that groove that's to contagious to ignore. If your not at least dancing your doing something wrong. May I say that whistling is brilliant? He starts singing right after and I've seen the tiny desk concert and the live on letterman concert and they just blow your mind with this song and though the wacky guitar solo varies they still hold that super cool sound.
5. Black Moon: Another form of acoustic guitar starting up, followed by more acoustic. It's one of the sadder songs of the album but the flow keeps going. The addition of strings keeps everything moving very nicely and elegantly. Like said before sad but flowing and still good for a sadder song.
6. Born Alone: Around this time into the review I usually can't say much but this song is great. I do notice a pattern of sad-happy-sad-happy songs and this keeps this trend going. Oh and the blarring guitars wooo they are wicked.
7. Open Mind: Hahaha like I said the trend continues. This is a slower song not nessisarilly sad but it's one of the great songs of the album. His voice just connects you know, because so much emotion is emitted from his voice and the combination of acoustic and electric keeping up to the tapping of the drums. The solo is modest but good at the end and ends the song nicely.
8. Capitol City: This is another great song the walking bass holds it together and the song is very nice it's hard to describe the feeling you get listening to this song. It's very jolly, yet slow, and the vocals aren't that happy but the emotion and love-sickness put into the song makes this song give you that chill down you spine and the pause with the station or market background sound keeps that spine chilling feel until the songs end.
9. Standing O: It starts of like a punk rock band would, abrupt and loud. Its a faster song and it has the same organ from I might but it is sped up but hey it works it has an original feel to it so if you feel like dancing then your not alone.
10. Rising Red Lung: It starts off acoustically and he sings with only guitar in the background. The song starts building up but not much and its still very slow. One of my least favorite songs in the album but its still good regardless.
11. Whole Love: Another notable track, it reminds me of The Kooks new album in the beginning and reminds me of one of Cafe Tacvba's songs too. The difference is the country rock feel in this song. im not too fond of country but the country elements here are great for the song. This is one of the catchiest songs on the album and its really filled with layers of sound.
12. One Sunday Morning (Song For Jane Smiley's Boyfriend): Whoa 12:00... thats a long song. Its cool slowly builds up over time and its a great closing song regardless of the amount of time the song takes. It kind of has the same walking feel and its calm, a song you listen to in the brisk fall while the wind is blowing on your back and leaves are falling all around you. Making that carpet of orange and yellow and red all over where the grass used to be.
Well this is a good album, its a great album all the through though the momentum slows down after Capitol City but the album goes on without problems. It continues to over achieve and Wilco proves to still have that nice indie feel that you can really fall in love with everytime you listen to the album. Sure its no Yankee Foxtrot Hotel but progress is progress and if the next album passes Yankee Foxtrot Hotel in album sells let it be... this is still a really great release from this fall.
oh highlights of the album here
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