So you heard of the White Rabbits and you were gonna look for a good opinion on the new album. Well i don't know if you can call me a good opinion but this album in my opinion is pretty good, this is after the album Its Frightening with the ever famous Percussion Gun. So i heard this band is from Brooklyn, NY but is originally from Colombia, MO... I think i respect this band a little more now... still i think SSLYBY is better. Anyway this album is different from the sophomore album and the debut and you can notice its the same really energetic stuff to expect from them but its more i guess watered down and it isn't as "loud".
Track Review:
1. Heavy Metal: The drums are great and all the random sounds all fit in well. The vocals kind of remind me of a tame Of Montreal and the guitars are very different attack style yet you see the same things just looping and i guess the thing i like about this track is the attack in the guitars and the seemingly random sounds. The thing i don't like about the track would be the repetition of the same chords over and over.
2. I’m Not Me: Well this song is pretty loud, i hear the same attack guitars and the guitars don't stop they continue. You can definitely hear an Of Montreal bleeding into the song. The bridges are the best in my opinion. The thing i don't like in the song would probably be how the guitars drown the drums down a great deal.
3. Hold It to the Fire: The drumming is I guess best described as distorted in the beginning. The guitar is calm and it strums and goes in and out a narrow tunnel and the vocals have the same effect, it sounds like its getting drowned by the other guitar and the drumming. I don't know if its good really, it sounds ok, but the in and out effect of the vocals kill the songs vibe overall and the ending of the song too.
4. Everyone Can’t Be Confused: Hmm I like this song a lot more, its got great piano and really great guitar to accompany it. The sound of it is great I like it and the sudden attack on it is very noticeable. It's a calm song, not so much as dancable but it is great to jog/run to its got a steady pace so naturally a great song to run to.
5. Temporary: I don't know why but for a second I heard the Friendly Fires. I still here the Friendly Fires debut album sound... reminds me of the song Photobooth I think its the bass, the vocals, and the random guitar coming in when it pleases but I hear the Friendly Fires in this song.
6. Are You Free: I guess its a reoccurring theme but if you noticed most of the songs start off jambled up and it slowly pulls itself together and after its together you can't hear much disconnect its very steady mainly just to hook you in I suppose.
7. It’s Frightening: Same title song as the title of the sophomore album ... It sounds calm and slow. Where's the energy? Where's the drop? It only gets thicker but the sound still is slow. Louder yet quiet and it just cuts off eventually. It reminds me of North by Phoenix by the way.
8. Danny Come Inside: Ok here's the energy. I guess the drumming is the energy in White Rabbits. Also I guess the guitars have distortion and that brings some energy to the song. Really though after a while it still sounds pretty calm and not much compared to the very upbeat sophomore album. I kind of feel disappointed they have so much energy yet in this album you can hardly hear it.
9. Back For More: It's kind of the same thing its not so upbeat and it lacks energy so yes disappointed is the perfect word for What I feel now. Yeah totally feel disappointed I don't hear anything that satisfies my thirst of new White Rabbit material.
10. The Day You Won the War: It starts off as chaotic as before but quickly pulls itself together and I finally hear something worth dancing to. I can get into this I do believe it needs a good combination of both guitar, drums, and vocals to have energy and upbeat sound its a good comeback but still not a full recovery.
11. I Had It Coming: Now this is more like it its made quite a bit of improvement its not that upbeat but the random guitar, clicking, and twanging gives it energy that you can't find in other songs in this album but still its just not enough to make a full recovery it still lacks suficiente energy and power to sway. Still a good end to the album even though it deserves more energy inputted in the song.
Verdict: well to tell you the truth i don't really wanna listen to it all the way through again i don't like the flow because theres some good songs but its like a shirt its clean and good and then you notice some stains on it so you look through your closet for a shirt that doesn't have stains, you get me? yeah but it had some good songs and mainly the bad songs... they lack enough energy.
Rating:♪/♪♪♪♪ one out of four eighth NOTES |
You get what you pay for...(the review that is)sorry, this album deserves more than one listen, then you would appreciate the brilliance.