Saturday, March 3, 2012

Black March

Yes I download music for free... But if I like it I buy it. So when the government started to censor torrents, mediafires, and Rar's I got infuriated. Yes I believe artist shoulv get money for the music but let's not be greedy. Especially the record companies lobbying congress to pass bills like that let's not forget how some people began to gain fame... Arctic Monkeys owe they're rise to the bootleg Underneath the Boardwalk, Crystal Castles owe it to the song Alice Practice going viral, Shit name any modern music artist that is big and they are here because of free music. It's not stealing its really isn't because the original copy is.still there and someone paid for it if anything torrents and mediafiles help people gain fame and taking this away is retarded so until further notice the sleigh bells review is post poned and I will do What the anon hackers said was a better way to vent anger. Downloading music from real independent artists who offer the music for free. If you want there is a site called which does What does but offers free downloads of the independent artists and its independent artist only so this month I will review only independent artist in boycott of the greedy record companies. Black March has begun.

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