its album vs album and singles vs singles ok 1st song in each round is by battles and the 2nd is by Funeral Party and
there will be 10 songs in which 2 will battle for the point and the order will be from top hits/ most listened to the least but only 5 songs by each artist not the whole album.
Round 1:
Ice Cream: The song is just so good i mean the orgasmic musical sounds and ripping guitars are something to gaze on about and the sculpture just beh but i get how it represents the sound they were going for. I totes love this song its a very hyperactive song.
New York City Moves To The Sound Of LA: Ok thats a long song name its almost as long as the intro with incredible bass, awesome crazy vocals and really up beat drums. Total jumping song the very cut-dry guitar and loud thickness of the song really gets me.
Round 2:
My Machines: Right as the song starts you hear the drummer just pattering away the drummer is very hardcore. The vocals aren't as hard and the synth hardly is but the loudness gets you dancing.
Just Because: Loud fast paced and punk style vocals very abrupt but still smooth and calm at times.
The drumming is beast just pounding and pounding.
Round 3:
Africastle: This track is very stale and thin and hardly fun it takes long to get into an excited mood and even then its not much of a start. When it does start the loud Pounding and abstract guitar sounds and take you to an all new landscape.
Finale: Fast piano playing leads up to some killer guitar riffs then that leads to some very excited vocals. The vocals fsream and scream and tear up the room.
Round 4:
Inchworm: If you ever wonder how an inch worms movements would sound like im pretty sure these guys get the prize. The track is very smooth and chill and i see where they would get the idea that this song is like an inchworm and those things dont move very far but like this song they make progress.
Giant: Man when i first heard this song on need for speed: hot pursuit i was like who are these people i need to listen to them more and then i found out they were Funeral party the chill punk alternative rock band. This song introduced me to them and they are so awesome with this song.
Round 5:
Wall Street: Holy Carp this song is amazing, the guitar and the synth/piano/tweaking/whistling they are so raw. How does this sound get created like that? seriously.
Golden Age Of Knowhere: the song is very thin, forest sounds then guitar comes in. The very energetic drums come in and then the killer vocals destroy the place and set it on fire.
Round 1: Battles
Round 2: Funeral Party
Round 3: Funeral Party
Round 4: Funeral Party
Round 5: Battles
Battles: 2
Funeral Party: 3
why: I like Both Albums and they are great and sure battles has more experience and they are more radical but are they really? not on this album they were dressed to impress but not to sell the album they wanted to show the crazy side of the project and even though they are great and experimental they aren't going to get me listening to the album more than a few times but Funeral Party they were going for greater expectations.
Funeral Party wins all for me. <3