Holy is up first then Cut and this repeats until the top five songs by both of them have all battled its Holy then Cut, Holy then Cut, Holy then Cut... Five times total of 10 songs and 5 pts. Let's start.
Round 1:
6. Hold On: Drum beat, clap, synth, more synth. Piano on flange, catchy vocals, its a really simple but good song.
2. Take Me Over: Flange enters, guitar and percussion enter. Vocals of awesome enter, Lovely smooth and groovy song.
Round 2:
4. Say My Name: Bleeps and bloops, bass line starts, Drum gets involved, tinkling too. Vocals are short and cut to the chase really great dance song.
1. Need You Now: Wow both are 6 min songs that's a first, this has bleeps and bloops too, it takes a long time to ascend only to go to a comfortable plateau.
Round 3:
1. Do It Again: Banging beats, smooth tri-cend, really catchy beat. Nice Vocals really smooth and great.
3. Where I'm Going: There's twinkling, Beatles style vocals. The drums are great and very loud.
Round 4:
3. Hold My Breath: Static radio intro gives way to the funky and creamy beat thick and all. The syrup vocals and runny butter runs through this song quite well.
4. Pharaohs and Pyramids: Twinkle and intercom, beat starts and the song keeps progressing.The vocals much better than the song before, sound demanding saying "dance now".
Round 5:
9. Static On The Wire: Percussion good and all but it takes a while to get to a certain point. Its a very slow song it starts off slow just to stay slow.
5. Blink and You'll Miss A Revolution: Looping, a beat starts to go off and its a great beat too. The vocals aren't half bad either.
23 song addition
15 song addition
Round winner:
Round 1: Cut Copy
Round 2: Holy Ghost
Round 3: Holy Ghost
Round 4: Cut Copy
Round 5: Cut Copy
Holy Ghost: 2 pts.
Cut Copy: 3 pts.
Ok both of these albums are Great but then again they both lacked too. I decided Cut Copy was better, Holy Ghost was good and in a way better because they have room for improvement. Cut Copy was better because they had better expectations and they met em, but Holy Ghost doesnt have any and they are new to the game, hopefully with the next album they will be better but if you have a choice between Holy Ghost or Zonoscope, my choice is Zono.
23 song addition
15 song addition
Round winner:
Round 1: Cut Copy
Round 2: Holy Ghost
Round 3: Holy Ghost
Round 4: Cut Copy
Round 5: Cut Copy
Holy Ghost: 2 pts.
Cut Copy: 3 pts.
Ok both of these albums are Great but then again they both lacked too. I decided Cut Copy was better, Holy Ghost was good and in a way better because they have room for improvement. Cut Copy was better because they had better expectations and they met em, but Holy Ghost doesnt have any and they are new to the game, hopefully with the next album they will be better but if you have a choice between Holy Ghost or Zonoscope, my choice is Zono.
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